Four Things To Look For In Temporary Housing For Travel Nurses


Roles for highly qualified travel nurses provide unique opportunities to see more of the country while helping patients heal, and the demand for these roles continues to grow. One challenge travel nurses face is finding temporary housing in each location they move to. If you're considering a transition into travel nursing, use the following guide to find temporary housing to meet your needs as you do important work for local communities. 

Safety And Security

You may be coming home late at night or early in the morning, and traveling alone at these hours can leave you feeling vulnerable. Temporary housing with around-the-clock security can help you feel more at ease. Extended stay hotels and apartment buildings with doormen or security staff can be a great option. Always walk through the main entrance where security staff can see you, even if it means walking a little bit further to get to your temporary home. Any parking garages where you are staying should be brightly lit and have plenty of security cameras to provide added peace of mind. 

Fully Equipped Kitchen

You'll want to be able to prepare fresh meals for yourself when time allows, so be sure the kitchen wherever you stay comes with pots, pans, appliances, and all the other essentials needed for cooking. This means you won't have to ship your own kitchen items from one city to the next or purchase new pots and pans when you move. Vacation rental homes and extended stay hotels often provide these amenities, but be sure to ask before you settle on a location. 

Transportation And Location

If possible, look for a temporary home within a short distance of the hospital where you'll be working. This is particularly important if you'll be working the winter months in an area where cold temperatures and heavy snowfall are the norm. Public transportation options are a big plus, as you can get a bit of extra rest on your way to and from work. If you'll need to drive every day, map out the routes from your temporary home to the hospital to ensure it's a short, safe trip you feel comfortable taking every day. 

Flexible Lease Terms

Sometimes, a travel nurses' contract might be extended in a certain location. This means you'll need the flexibility to extend the lease on your temporary home to accommodate a few extra weeks or months with the hospital. It may be more difficult to extend the lease in a rental apartment, as the landlords may line up short-term tenants months in advance. An extended stay hotel can provide more flexibility, and vacation travel homes come in an array of rental terms and options to suit the needs of travel nurses. Be sure to check out all terms of your lease in advance so you know about any potential changes in rent or the overall rental agreement should you choose to extend your stay. 


20 December 2021

choosing a hotel that will meet your needs best

When you're planning a trip and you plan to stay in a hotel, you have many options to consider. Before you make your reservation anywhere, take some time to think things through. Do you plan to spend a lot of time in your hotel or will you be spending all of your time out and about doing things away from the hotel? Do you have the extra money to buy all of your meals from local restaurants or would you like to have the ability to prepare some of your meals in your hotel room? My blog will provide you with a lot of insight that will help you choose the hotel that will meet your needs for your next trip.