Things Not To Forget To Take For A Family Stay In A Hotel


When you decide to take your family on some sort of vacation and you're planning on staying in a hotel room, there's a lot of things to get done. When the time comes to pack, there's several things that you need to not forget. Here, you'll find a short list of things that you'd regret not having in a hotel room with you and your kids.

Disinfecting Wipes

Pick up a canister of the Clorox disinfecting wipes. These things will take care of any bacteria or germ on any hard surface in the hotel room. Yes, the hotel room may be clean when you walk in, and yes, you will have service coming in for daily cleanings, but you will regret not having disinfecting wipes at some point.


Most hotels provide you with hangers for each room, but there's rarely enough hangers to hang everything that everyone in the room needs to have hung. So, pack a few extra hangers in your luggage and you'll have all that you need when you are unpacking.

Flip Flops

Chances are, you'll have to make a trip or two to the car, the vending machines or the ice dispenser at the most inconvenient time possible. Instead of having to put your shoes on, tie them up and then go, having a pair of flip flops right there by the door will save you time and make it easier to sneak out without waking anyone up.

Firestick, Roku or a Gaming System

Most televisions in hotels have HDMI hook-ups for you to use, and they offer free Wi-Fi. Take a streaming video device or a gaming console to hook up in the hotel room. This will give everyone some sort of entertainment for the days that you'll be stuck in that tiny room together – or just to have a fun family gaming night before everyone crashes for the day.

Collapsible Hamper

You don't want all of the dirty clothes laying around, nor do you want them tossed in a corner somewhere. Pick up a cheap collapsible hamper to use in the hotel room. Then, you can either transport your dirty laundry home in the hamper, or take it to a laundromat to wash it all before you pack it back into the suitcases and head home.

Your time in the hotel can be relaxing and fun – as long as you don't forget the essentials.


15 December 2018

choosing a hotel that will meet your needs best

When you're planning a trip and you plan to stay in a hotel, you have many options to consider. Before you make your reservation anywhere, take some time to think things through. Do you plan to spend a lot of time in your hotel or will you be spending all of your time out and about doing things away from the hotel? Do you have the extra money to buy all of your meals from local restaurants or would you like to have the ability to prepare some of your meals in your hotel room? My blog will provide you with a lot of insight that will help you choose the hotel that will meet your needs for your next trip.